
Posts Tagged ‘organizing Christmas decorations’

                                       Before                                                                                                                                                                            After

I hold the undisputed title of the least organized person in the world. So if I can organize, trust me, anyone can. 

After the Christmas holidays, my husband and I carry everything back to the attic. “Where does this go?”  Being the neat freak in this couple, my husband assumes there is a place for everything. My reply is the same, “Just set it down anywhere. I’ll put it up later.” Well, later never comes. Out-of-sight-out-of-mind is the code by which I live. Once the attic door is closed, I don’t think of it again until I need something. I’m not one of those people who can’t sleep at night because I know something is out-of-place. Hardly!







 During the year I work around Christmas decorations to find what I want. Fourth of July decorations, and beach items are usually replaced because I can’t find the things I bought the year before. This year I acquired another skeleton because some of my Halloween decorations were buried. Sound familiar?

Determined to organize this year before decorating, has made a huge difference. I must admit I found a new Christmas tree I didn’t know I had. Yes! I was happy about that. Not sure where I intended to put it, but I’m positive I had a plan at the time. I know … I’ve got a problem.

Christmas is the best time of the year for me. I get excited about decorating. Knowing where everything is has made decorating  even more fun. Who knew! Imagine that.

Now that I’m finished decorating, this side of my attic is practically empty, and waiting for the decorations to be returned to their designated place.  This is totally not me, but I like it.






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